About Yvonne

 Yvonne Czarniak, based out of the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, is a certified instructor of Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioner and an Access Consciousness Bars practitioner.

 Yvonne discovered Tai Chi in 1997 while looking for ways to slow down, clear her mind and enhance her physical fitness. After only one session, Yvonne was hooked on Tai Chi. Receiving her Tai Chi certification in 2000, she   now shares this beautiful art as an instructor, working with individuals of all ages and physical abilities, teaching the concepts of balance both inward and outward.

Continuing on with the energy theme, Yvonne is a certified Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and an Energy Medicine 101 and 102 Instructor. She found Energy Medicine is a great tool to show people exactly where their "chi" or energy is sluggish or blocked and help them move it on through. Yvonne is teaching classes and working with individual clients about the flow of energy in and around the physical body.

Adding to the Energy Toolbox, Yvonne is also certified to run The Access Bars. The Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything!

Yvonne's mission is help people to learn to listen to their bodies and address the slow moving or blocked energies before the issue becomes pain or discomfort.

Every single person is different and every day is different.
When we work together it is my mission to "follow the energy".


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