What is Seated Tai Chi?
Seated Tai Chi can benefit anyone needing to take a seat for exercise, seniors, pregnant women, people living with disabilities or anyone needing or wanting take a slower pace.
Seated Tai Chi will give you some of the same benefits as standing Tai Chi - deep breathing, balancing both sides of the body, upper body strength and flexibility, deeper circulation and more oxygen to the organs and body extremities.
With Seated Tai Chi, or also called Chair Tai Chi, you should sit in a chair that is firm but comfortable. It should be low enough for your feet to touch the ground. With your feet flat, your thighs should be parallel to the ground. Use a chair without arms to maximize your range of motion, as long as you have no problems with stability.
Just like with standing tai chi, posture is a vital part of the exercise. Unless a movement demands otherwise, keep both feet flat on the floor with your knees...