What is Eden Energy Medicine?
Nov 20, 2021
Energy Medicine puts your health in your hands! Energy Medicine is a way to help heal the body by activating its own healing force and balancing the body, mind and spirit.
Eden Energy Medicine...
~ A method of working directly with the body's energy systems to help create health and wellness.
~ In Energy Medicine, energy is the medicine and the patient. Energy interventions are used to help balance energies.
~ Teaches specific techniques that can be used to activate the body's natural healing abilities. This can help to restore vital energies that have become weak, disturbed or out of balance.
~ Is both a complement to more traditional medical modalities and a complete self-contained system for self-help and self-care.
Energy techniques will help to:
- Balance and protect your body and organs
- Strengthen the immune system
- Bring more vitality, joy and spirit back into life
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